Datalab SR d. o. o. – Change of Management

11 Oct 2017


In accordance with the regulations of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and applicable legislation, Datalab Tehnologije, d. d., is publishing the following message:

After managing Datalab SR d. o. o. (Datalab’s subsidiary on the Serbian market) for four years, Aleksandar Bukomirović stepped down as Managing director on 14 September 2017. The position was filled by Mrs. Nena Lukić. Mrs. Lukić was the director of one of Datalab’s most successful partners for the past 10 years. She has an abundance of knowledge about the product, the partner channel, sales, product implementation, and company processes. She’s been a successful entrepreneur in the IT field for over 10 years. Datalab Tehnologije d. d. concluded a five-year contract with Mrs. Lukić. The goal for the five-year period is to double the revenue on this market.

Additionally, Datalab Tehnologije d. d. has named Mr. Sandi Boršo as the holder of procuration for Datalab SR d. o. o.



This notice will be publicly available at the company’s website ( from 11 October 2017 for at least five years.

The Management, Datalab d. d.


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