PANTHEON User Stories

We're proud that PANTHEON has been an essential part of the lives of extraordinary individuals and companies in SE Europe for over 20 years. Your success is the measure of our success. Meet our users.

Field: Retail

PANTHEON is used to keep personnel records and payroll for more than 1,500 employees. PANTHEON enables us to perform all the processes and tasks within the framework of personnel records and payroll accounting in a transparent, fast and consistent manner.

Alenka Dolenc

project manager | MERKUR trgovina, d. o. o.

Field: Wholesale/Retail/Other

PANTHEON provides us with enormous support in all sales and purchasing processes. It is the backbone of our work.

Alenka Kropivšek

dr. veterinary medicine | Melisa veterina d. o. o.

Field: Services/Accounting/Other

PANTHEON enables us to implement all processes and tasks in the context of finance and accounting across countries in the same way and in accordance with local law.

Milan Dragić

Director General, Bisnode South Market | Bisnode d.o.o.

Field: Retail

With PANTHEON, our data is collected in one place, which enables us to promptly and easily make the right business decisions.

Ana Babić

CEO | LPP Croatia d.o.o.

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